To hire the right person, first define "right"

Jobreq helps you develop a clear and detailed profile of the role being hired for and the criteria of the person who will succeed in that role

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For Those that are Serious about Hiring

We all know that good preparation leads to a good hire. Now you have the tools to prepare with minimal effort.

Target & Scorecard Generation

Jobreq generates a crystal clear Target Profile that can be shared with external or internal recruiters, executives and team members to align on the right person

Candidate Scoring & Sourcing

Candidate resumes and LinkedIn profiles can be entered directly into Jobreq and scored according to fit. AI can even automatically reach out to relevant candidates and schedule them for multiple interview rounds.

Interview Guides

Jobreq creates a detailed evaluation game plan and custom interview guides for you and your team members so they know what to ask, and what they need to assess

How Does it Work?

We leverage AI, gamification and your team's knowledge to create the most thorough and thoughtful profile of who you are hiring

AI Ingestion

Jobreq ingests available data from candidates, job descriptions, your company website and your existing employees to info the role


Dynamically calibrate the role based on real candidates resumes and interviews


Easily integrate your hiring team into giving feedback on the role and hiring process

Build better job requisitions today